Thursday, 14 May 2009


If the world powers agree to accept the worse effects of GLOBAL WARMING are inevitable, no matter what we do, then this writer has no quarrel with Prince Charles and the countless other eco envoys flying round the world, telling us not to fly round the world.

However, if the world powers agree to ignore even the gloomiest predictions from the scientific community and believe irreversible global warming is not inevitable, then Prince Charles should review his travel arrangement, and the appropriate policies must be formed and acted upon without delay.

The first logical step is to identify the PROBLEM and SOLUTION. The problem is HUMAN ACTIVITY and the solution is to STOP HUMAN ACTIVITY. Considering this information has been in the public domain since the first warning of global warming, you may wonder why the expansion of human activity in every arena is set to continue into the foreseeable future...UNABATED! It could be the case that every country knows what they have to do, and many are on the starting blocks ready for the 'off', but wont budge until someone of WORLD STANDING gives the signal.

There has been no shortage of doomsday warnings about human migration on unimaginable scales,but warnings,of whatever magnitude,have fallen on deaf ears,because a warning is not be a signal.

Al Gore's warnings in his 'AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH' of how the ice cap will not exist in summer 2050 ...or is it 2020; coastlines will retreat; glaciers will disappear; hurricanes and tornadoes will be common place; Siberian permafrost will melt releasing methane,and fertile lands will turn to desert, is information that seems to have fallen on the deaf ears of those countries more focused on economic growth than global catastrophes that may or may not happen, depending on which science community they listen to.

The weakness in his 'AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH' is it offers convenient solutions. We can carry-on doing what we're doing so long as we work towards reducing our carbon footprint by moderating our dependency on fossil fuels. In reality he has told us nothing we don't already know, and the idea of a seamless and painless transition from a carbon economy to a carbon free economy is an old tune that no longer chimes with the latest scientific information.

Al Gore has delivered 'AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH', now someone of world standing has to come forward to deliver the most difficult part 'AN INCONVENIENT SOLUTION'.

Prince Charles' 100 MONTHS DOOMSDAY CLOCK could suggest he is desperately wanting to signal AN INCONVENIENT SOLUTION,but can't, and it's important to understand why he can't because he is possibly the only world figure capable of doing what Al Gore failed to do,

The CARBUNCLE SPEECH by the Prince in 1984 was the first chink of sobriety in an architectural world drunk on modernity, and should have been delivered again,and with even more commitment, in his recent speech to the RIBA, but wasn't, which is understandable, because giving a signal to begin AN INCONVENIENT SOLUTION would upset more than just one institute.

Being a none elected head, beholden to no political party, is the Princes' strength as eco crusader,and his weakness is the position he has inherited of being the good and faithful servant of every British institute, So keen is he to serve and not offend any institute, he has made the extraordinary decision to be King of all faiths. And it seems whenever he strays from treating every institute with equal respect, he moves to mend relations, as he did with the RIBA.

But if the Prince has set THE DOOMSDAY CLOCK to 100 months then there is no time for taking account of any party's interests, and his position with the institutes must change if he is going to send a signal that will set in motion a revolution in human restraint that will set the climate on a course of recovery.

It could even be the case Prince Charles knows the situation is much worse than he is prepared to say. During the course of the next 100 months every city in the developed world will be undertaking major expansionist projects to take advantage of the economic upturn as the world comes out of the depression, And as Cities grow,urban sprawl expands; more and more pressure will be put on air travel by increased tourism; major sport events will multiply to make us forget, and those endless international conferences, that debate every issue under the sun, will be added to by international meetings of financiers locking minds to make sure economic growth does not ever again suffer from financial instabilities,

Perhaps the Prince knows something the science community doesn't and green technology will come along in time to continue the drive for economic growth thus sustaining the standard of life we in the developed countries have become accustomed to, and, at the same, time bringing underdeveloped countries up to our standards,It doesn't really matter if he knows something or not, because developing green technology to fuel economic growth will just continue the vicious circle of human activity, and,anyway, maybe we should not embark on any enterprise that will add anymore greenhouse gases to the TROPOSPHERE.

Developing green technology on a scale to replace the global use of fossil fuels wont come carbon free ,in fact, it will pump greenhouse gases into the TROPOSPHERE on a scale we don't even want to think about.

And since there is no sign on the horizon of CARBON SINKS not continuing to deplete, and consequently greenhouse gases remaining in the atmosphere for generations, means the only solution on the table is AN INCONVENIENT SOLUTION. Prince Charles has picked up the ball, and now he has to run with it. He's right on the button with hes message about saving the rain forests and every other CARBON SINK,BUT NOW HE HAS TO PREPARE HIMSELF TO SEND A SIGNAL.

The Prince must begin by stepping down from his Royal Pedestal and living in the real world that will exist in a society combating global warming. No one will take note of anything he says if he continues with his private jet-set life style. He has to be the first to turn his back on consumerism. Quite simply,he has to become the MAHATMA GANDHI in the crusade against global warming, then people will do more than listen to him, but follow his example.

The task facing Prince Charles is nothing less than convincing the world that every human activity and enterprises,which are dependent on fossil fuels, be put into cold storage until such times when they can proceed in a carbon free economy

The Prince has to to advise against proceeding with just one major enterprise, that's all, and it will deliver a signal more powerful than an F5 tornado ripping through London's financial center. And the enterprise this writer has in mind is THE 2012 OLYMPICS because it will force the world to debate the logic of spending billions on international events that invite the world to hop on planes just to watch people stretch their muscles. Not only will it start a rethink on SPORT EVENTS but every other non- essential event.

Once the Prince steps down from being the good and faith servant of a nation and it's institutes,which are hell bent on economic growth, he will see clearly the logic of stopping an event which he would previously have supported for the sake of that occasional thing called 'NATIONAL PRIDE'.

All the evidence indicates 'AN INCONVENIENT SOLUTION' is the only way to kick-start a system that would cause a major retreat of human activity in the PLUNDERING OF THE PLANET'S CARBON VAULTS and, in consequence, it's CARBON SINKS, however, it's also THE SOLUTION THAT DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME in a world that wants to have it all until there is nothing left to have,which suggests the establishment will continue to turn a blind eye to the Princes' jet-set life style, but this writer wont, and will continue to pull the chain.

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