Friday, 10 July 2009


Prince Charles gave the 33rd Richard Dimbleby Lecture, entitled 'FACING THE FUTURE', at St James's Palace on the 9th July 2009'.

All the planets of opportunity were in alignment to make the 33TH Richard Dimbleby Lecture the most significant in it's history, and almost certainly would have been had the Prince mustered-up his TRAFALGAR SQUARE SPIRIT and delivered a carefully composed CARBUNCLE statement against the consumer society.

The Princes' invited audience were completely tuned-in to the subject matter, and it was probably more than coincidence the date of the Lecture was in close proximity with the date of the G20 World summit,which the Prince must have been aware of,but, unfortunately, there was nothing in his lecture to indicate such an awareness.

The trouble was the Prince structured his lecture around old information,which the invited audience, and many of the viewers, had heard many times before. Reminding us of receding glaciers, rising sea levels, deforestation, mass migration,the destruction of the eco system, and apocalyptic visions of the future offends no one,which was the weakness of his lecture,no one was offended.

The Prince only succeeded in preventing an architectural monstrosity invading the majestic buildings of Trafalgar Square by offending the the establishment with his now famous CARBUNCLE attack, which he lamentedly failed to do in his Dimbleby lecture.

It's an unfortunate fact of life that progress can only made in national and international issues by offending part, or all of aociety,

The point is, listening to Prince Charles spelling out his philosophy on how to save the climate by setting an example of working with nature and not against nature is food for thought, but in a world that never learns from it's mistakes and is still hellbent on economic growth,it may be too little too late, and unless the Prince adds more mustard to his campaign,which is full of good sound advice. he just might be fiddling while Rome burns.

PAGE 7 to PAGE 20, ARISTOCRATIC PARK. pt 3. Charles wakes-up to the reality of being green

PAGE 8, Aristoratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 9, Aristocratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 10, Aristocratic Park part 3 . Plan B goes into action

PAGE 11, Aristocratic Park. pt 3 continued...

PAGE 12, Aristocratic park. pt 3 continued...

PAGE 13 Aristocratic Park. pt 3 continued...

PAGE 14,Aristocratic Park. pt 4 continued...

PAGE 15, Aristocratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 16 Aristocratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 17 Aristocratic Park pt 3 continuee...

PAGE 18 Aristocratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 19 Aristocratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 20 Aristocratic Park pt 3 ; outside the enclosure

Wednesday, 27 May 2009


It's fifty million years in the future and paleontologist, Professor Brontostein, is on his way to put a case for science's most ambitious project to The Parliamentary Committee for the Funding of Extraordinary Enterprises when he suddenly realizes his whole life's work was going to be judged by three non-scientific senators.

The Professor had already proved his credibility in turning theory into three dimensional evidence,and in the face of the most pessimistic criticism. No one believed a fossilized Socialist Dinosaur, such as the SKARKILMINERDON, could be brought back to life, but Professor Brontostein did it, under the most meticulous controlled conditions, which was the key to securing the funding.

There are many more examples, such as a CONSERVATIVE DINOSAUR, the KENKLARKARROGANTIS,and there was a RELIGIOUS DINOSAUR, the ROWANPOMPUSAUR, to mention just a few, but they were just small stepping stones to his latest project.

Professor Brontostein spent many years studying the habits of the ROYAL DINOSAURS in a part of the ARISTOCRATIC PERIOD during the early twenty-first century, and now he was going to tell THE COMMITTEE he has found a way of bringing all of them back to life, not just one or two, but every last one, along with their servants and all the trappings that featured in their privileged way of life. And they would not be expected to forage for food and merchandise in supermarkets or pound stores, as that is what set them apart from the other human Dinosaurs. Professor Brontostein was fully prepared to answer any questions from the committee,provided it wasn't anything to do with money as it was already made clear to the committee that the Professor expected nothing less than unlimited resources.

Senator MACGREGOR was the only member of the committee who was determined to stop Professor Brontostein's project, and he pulled no punches as he opened the inquisition.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009


Senator McGregor, also known as The Right Reverend McGregor in a previous life,didn't hold with professor Brontostein's science, as he thought it an unnatural interference with nature..

The Scottish name, MacGregor, chimed well with the senator's red hair, ruddy complexion and old school notion of propriety, not to mention his keen attention to finance, which,under normal circumstances, was an asset to the image of the committee on occasions when funding was the issue.

The Senator knew he would be out voted by the other two senators, and the funding would be assured, but that wasn't going to take any fire out of his argument against a project, which he thought to be an affront to God.

Without looking up from his notes, Senator MacGregor directed his first question to Professor Brontostein;
"Professor Brontostein, do you agree the success of your last project,namely the bringing back to life of a particular Conservative Dinosaur was, in large part, due to the funding of the high security enclosure?"

Although Professor Brontostein wasn't particularly bothered about the Senator's question, he thought it only polite to respond, and, at the same time, remind the Senator of the most important reason for the enclosure;
"Of course the Senator is absolutely correct" retorted Professor Brontostein "the security of the enclosure was necessary to stop the Conservative Dinosaur contaminating our Utopian society,but the most important reason for the enclosure, above all others,was to study the habits of the Conservative Dinosaur, just like I did with previous Human Dinosaurs,in order to understand why they became extinct".

Senator MacGregor was delighted the Doctor chose to avoid mentioning the detail he was best placed to exploit, and as he caught the attention of the other two Senators, he said,"You will notice the Professor didn't think it necessary to mention the actual cost of building the enclosure for said human Dinosaur , which was greater than the funding of other major structures in the history of our civilization, and now he wants to bring back to life, not just one Human Dinosaur, but a whole community of Human Dinosaurs, amounting to..."

The professor interrupted before the Senator could talk numbers,"Studying just one individual Human Dinosaur at a time will never tell whole story, which must be told for the sake of our own survival, and we therefore must go much further without worrying about the cost of funding".

The other two Senators were not over interested in the details of the project, and were clearly on the Professor's side, however,they suggested Senator MacGregor might also get on board if the professor was to explain the project in more detail.

There was no possibility of the Professor explaining the science of the most complex project in the history of Utopia , and,besides, he considered the Senator would not expect or want him to, but there was a likelihood the senator would appreciate hearing more convincing details of the purpose behind the science,even if he didn't agree with it.

The Professor began by reminding the senator of the original reason for getting involved in the first place:
"My research proved the extinction of the human dinosaurs could only be discovered by bringing them back to life so that their habits and aspirations may be studied, which is why your parliament requested my University to develop a science that would bring about such a seemingly impossible event, And, in case you've forgotten, I accepted on the condition funding would never become an issue..."

"Yes,yes" interjected Senator MacGregor" I"m already aware of that,now tell me something I don't know"

The Professor noted the Senator"s hostile attitude, but wasn't phased as he continued," The Senator will also know he has always been the dissenting voice that threatened my projects. Well, I judged this project too important to wait for this committee's unanimous blessing, so I took the unprecedented step of proceeding without your approval"

"Just one moment!"spluttered Senator MacGregor," are you telling us the enclosure is already built without the appropriate funding, is that what you're saying...AND WITHOUT OUR APPROVAL?"

"The approval of this committee is desirable but not essential"announced the Professor with an air of confidence,"it has always been my self imposed discipline to have your unanimous approval, and, although the project is in an advanced stage, your approval is something I still wish to have"

"But we're talking about an enclosure to house one hundred thousand,OR MORE, human dinosaurs!"protested Senator MacGregor,"and I venture to suggest the building of such a structure is beyond even your powers, which,I confess, never ceases to amaze me".

"Not only is the enclosure complete"announce Professor Brontostein to a stunned Senator," it is fully populated by a large eclectic community divided at every level by class, and headed by a MARK II Elizabethadon ,the Queen Dinosaur"

Senator MacGregor had reached the point where he thought it less frustrating just to go along with the other two Senators and agree with the Professor, but he still had more question to ask, out of curiosity, if nothing else.

"oK Doctor" sighed Senator MacGregor," let's assume you have completed the enclosure and it's fully populated,can you tell the committee...or maybe just me...why it is necessary to have such a huge number of human dinosaurs and how you intend preventing even one of the population from leaving the enclosure"

The Professor,knowing there was a thousand question to be answered, was delighted the Senator had requested only two, and launched into a reply with enthusiasm:
"To answer your first question, allow me to remind you that science,for the moment, is unable to take us back to the past where we could study the interactions between classes of the early 21st century. and, in doing so, reveal to us the reason for the extinction of the human dinosaurs. We can't visit the vast number of Dinosaurs I have in mind in their time,but,because of the most recent scientific advancements, I have been able to bring a whole section of Human Dinosaur civilization back to our time where they will continue their lives on a remote island identical in every respect to a place they call home,namely Britain ,and without them being aware of any change in time or place. And to answer your second question,just let me assure you, they wont want to leave their island, and if there was the remote possibility of any one of the human dinosaurs trying to leave, they would disappear into a BERMUDA TRIANGLE style force field".

"Ah, but how about the outside world" exclaimed the Senator excitedly,thinking he had found the Achilles heal in the Professor's project," if there is no outside world to communicate with, they will know their in a wrong place and time...THEY'LL SMELL A RAT!".

"You're right to be concerned" suggested the Doctor," but there will be an outside world stumbling along from crisis to crisis just as it was in their time, but it will be a virtual world that will exist only on their audio and visual communications".

Before the Senator could ask anymore questions,the Doctor invited the committee to visit ARISTOCRATIC PARK on a big brother visual link where they would find Prince Charles and his second wife in bed lamenting the undesirable effect on their travel arrangements by the Princes' green crusade".

Thursday, 14 May 2009

PAGE 1, front cover issue 2


If the world powers agree to accept the worse effects of GLOBAL WARMING are inevitable, no matter what we do, then this writer has no quarrel with Prince Charles and the countless other eco envoys flying round the world, telling us not to fly round the world.

However, if the world powers agree to ignore even the gloomiest predictions from the scientific community and believe irreversible global warming is not inevitable, then Prince Charles should review his travel arrangement, and the appropriate policies must be formed and acted upon without delay.

The first logical step is to identify the PROBLEM and SOLUTION. The problem is HUMAN ACTIVITY and the solution is to STOP HUMAN ACTIVITY. Considering this information has been in the public domain since the first warning of global warming, you may wonder why the expansion of human activity in every arena is set to continue into the foreseeable future...UNABATED! It could be the case that every country knows what they have to do, and many are on the starting blocks ready for the 'off', but wont budge until someone of WORLD STANDING gives the signal.

There has been no shortage of doomsday warnings about human migration on unimaginable scales,but warnings,of whatever magnitude,have fallen on deaf ears,because a warning is not be a signal.

Al Gore's warnings in his 'AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH' of how the ice cap will not exist in summer 2050 ...or is it 2020; coastlines will retreat; glaciers will disappear; hurricanes and tornadoes will be common place; Siberian permafrost will melt releasing methane,and fertile lands will turn to desert, is information that seems to have fallen on the deaf ears of those countries more focused on economic growth than global catastrophes that may or may not happen, depending on which science community they listen to.

The weakness in his 'AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH' is it offers convenient solutions. We can carry-on doing what we're doing so long as we work towards reducing our carbon footprint by moderating our dependency on fossil fuels. In reality he has told us nothing we don't already know, and the idea of a seamless and painless transition from a carbon economy to a carbon free economy is an old tune that no longer chimes with the latest scientific information.

Al Gore has delivered 'AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH', now someone of world standing has to come forward to deliver the most difficult part 'AN INCONVENIENT SOLUTION'.

Prince Charles' 100 MONTHS DOOMSDAY CLOCK could suggest he is desperately wanting to signal AN INCONVENIENT SOLUTION,but can't, and it's important to understand why he can't because he is possibly the only world figure capable of doing what Al Gore failed to do,

The CARBUNCLE SPEECH by the Prince in 1984 was the first chink of sobriety in an architectural world drunk on modernity, and should have been delivered again,and with even more commitment, in his recent speech to the RIBA, but wasn't, which is understandable, because giving a signal to begin AN INCONVENIENT SOLUTION would upset more than just one institute.

Being a none elected head, beholden to no political party, is the Princes' strength as eco crusader,and his weakness is the position he has inherited of being the good and faithful servant of every British institute, So keen is he to serve and not offend any institute, he has made the extraordinary decision to be King of all faiths. And it seems whenever he strays from treating every institute with equal respect, he moves to mend relations, as he did with the RIBA.

But if the Prince has set THE DOOMSDAY CLOCK to 100 months then there is no time for taking account of any party's interests, and his position with the institutes must change if he is going to send a signal that will set in motion a revolution in human restraint that will set the climate on a course of recovery.

It could even be the case Prince Charles knows the situation is much worse than he is prepared to say. During the course of the next 100 months every city in the developed world will be undertaking major expansionist projects to take advantage of the economic upturn as the world comes out of the depression, And as Cities grow,urban sprawl expands; more and more pressure will be put on air travel by increased tourism; major sport events will multiply to make us forget, and those endless international conferences, that debate every issue under the sun, will be added to by international meetings of financiers locking minds to make sure economic growth does not ever again suffer from financial instabilities,

Perhaps the Prince knows something the science community doesn't and green technology will come along in time to continue the drive for economic growth thus sustaining the standard of life we in the developed countries have become accustomed to, and, at the same, time bringing underdeveloped countries up to our standards,It doesn't really matter if he knows something or not, because developing green technology to fuel economic growth will just continue the vicious circle of human activity, and,anyway, maybe we should not embark on any enterprise that will add anymore greenhouse gases to the TROPOSPHERE.

Developing green technology on a scale to replace the global use of fossil fuels wont come carbon free ,in fact, it will pump greenhouse gases into the TROPOSPHERE on a scale we don't even want to think about.

And since there is no sign on the horizon of CARBON SINKS not continuing to deplete, and consequently greenhouse gases remaining in the atmosphere for generations, means the only solution on the table is AN INCONVENIENT SOLUTION. Prince Charles has picked up the ball, and now he has to run with it. He's right on the button with hes message about saving the rain forests and every other CARBON SINK,BUT NOW HE HAS TO PREPARE HIMSELF TO SEND A SIGNAL.

The Prince must begin by stepping down from his Royal Pedestal and living in the real world that will exist in a society combating global warming. No one will take note of anything he says if he continues with his private jet-set life style. He has to be the first to turn his back on consumerism. Quite simply,he has to become the MAHATMA GANDHI in the crusade against global warming, then people will do more than listen to him, but follow his example.

The task facing Prince Charles is nothing less than convincing the world that every human activity and enterprises,which are dependent on fossil fuels, be put into cold storage until such times when they can proceed in a carbon free economy

The Prince has to to advise against proceeding with just one major enterprise, that's all, and it will deliver a signal more powerful than an F5 tornado ripping through London's financial center. And the enterprise this writer has in mind is THE 2012 OLYMPICS because it will force the world to debate the logic of spending billions on international events that invite the world to hop on planes just to watch people stretch their muscles. Not only will it start a rethink on SPORT EVENTS but every other non- essential event.

Once the Prince steps down from being the good and faith servant of a nation and it's institutes,which are hell bent on economic growth, he will see clearly the logic of stopping an event which he would previously have supported for the sake of that occasional thing called 'NATIONAL PRIDE'.

All the evidence indicates 'AN INCONVENIENT SOLUTION' is the only way to kick-start a system that would cause a major retreat of human activity in the PLUNDERING OF THE PLANET'S CARBON VAULTS and, in consequence, it's CARBON SINKS, however, it's also THE SOLUTION THAT DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME in a world that wants to have it all until there is nothing left to have,which suggests the establishment will continue to turn a blind eye to the Princes' jet-set life style, but this writer wont, and will continue to pull the chain.