Friday, 10 July 2009


Prince Charles gave the 33rd Richard Dimbleby Lecture, entitled 'FACING THE FUTURE', at St James's Palace on the 9th July 2009'.

All the planets of opportunity were in alignment to make the 33TH Richard Dimbleby Lecture the most significant in it's history, and almost certainly would have been had the Prince mustered-up his TRAFALGAR SQUARE SPIRIT and delivered a carefully composed CARBUNCLE statement against the consumer society.

The Princes' invited audience were completely tuned-in to the subject matter, and it was probably more than coincidence the date of the Lecture was in close proximity with the date of the G20 World summit,which the Prince must have been aware of,but, unfortunately, there was nothing in his lecture to indicate such an awareness.

The trouble was the Prince structured his lecture around old information,which the invited audience, and many of the viewers, had heard many times before. Reminding us of receding glaciers, rising sea levels, deforestation, mass migration,the destruction of the eco system, and apocalyptic visions of the future offends no one,which was the weakness of his lecture,no one was offended.

The Prince only succeeded in preventing an architectural monstrosity invading the majestic buildings of Trafalgar Square by offending the the establishment with his now famous CARBUNCLE attack, which he lamentedly failed to do in his Dimbleby lecture.

It's an unfortunate fact of life that progress can only made in national and international issues by offending part, or all of aociety,

The point is, listening to Prince Charles spelling out his philosophy on how to save the climate by setting an example of working with nature and not against nature is food for thought, but in a world that never learns from it's mistakes and is still hellbent on economic growth,it may be too little too late, and unless the Prince adds more mustard to his campaign,which is full of good sound advice. he just might be fiddling while Rome burns.

PAGE 7 to PAGE 20, ARISTOCRATIC PARK. pt 3. Charles wakes-up to the reality of being green

PAGE 8, Aristoratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 9, Aristocratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 10, Aristocratic Park part 3 . Plan B goes into action

PAGE 11, Aristocratic Park. pt 3 continued...

PAGE 12, Aristocratic park. pt 3 continued...

PAGE 13 Aristocratic Park. pt 3 continued...

PAGE 14,Aristocratic Park. pt 4 continued...

PAGE 15, Aristocratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 16 Aristocratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 17 Aristocratic Park pt 3 continuee...

PAGE 18 Aristocratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 19 Aristocratic Park pt 3 continued...

PAGE 20 Aristocratic Park pt 3 ; outside the enclosure